Score Time
400m run
50′ db overhead walking lunge 50/35
15 alt db snatches
15 single arm db front rack squats
400m run
15 single arm db front rack squats
15 alt db snatches
50′ db overhead walking lunge 50/35
400m run
TC 12
Score Reps
20sec on/10sec off
hollow holds
push ups
flutter kicks
push ups
hollow rocks
push ups
-score is total push ups
Score Weight
7 sets starting at 50% of 1rm clean and jerk
1 high hang clean
1 hang clean
1 clean
1 push press
1 push jerk
1 split jerk
Score Rounds and Reps
3 sets
5 min AMRAP
row 250/200m
5 hand stand push ups
7 thrusters (65/55)
5 chest to bar pull ups
-rest 2 minutes
*2nd AMRAP
bike 625/450m (0.63/0.45km)
*3rd AMRAP
run 200m
-score is all amraps added togehter (i.e. 3+12, 3+10,2+8 = 8 rds 30 reps)
Score Checkmark
7 min ski
7 min bike
7 min row
Score Checkmark
*accumulate 3 minutes in a squat throughout this session
10 calf raises with 15 sec stretch (L/R) *on plates tall enough that heels won’t touch ground
10 ankle circles (clockwise/counter clockwise) *small circles with knee over toe
10 mountain climber stretch
25′ duck walk *walk while staying @ bottom of squat
60 sec pvc flag pole stretch
10 pvc passthroughs
10 kb halos (clockwise/ccw)
30 sec quad stretch (L/R)
30 hamstring stretch (L/R)
25.1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Open Gym 8:15am -Skill strength only unless testing a comp workout you are signed up for
TEAM WOD 9:15am