Mat Hotho is in 9th and official leaderboard comes out June 3rd! He needs to stay in top 10 to go to the Championship!
Irma and Drew both went to the CF L-1 seminar we hosted and THEY BOTH PASSED the test and now hold a Level 1 certificate!
Congratulate them all!
Emily H 5/4
Sarah D 5/16
Meaghan 5/17
Ant 5/21
Ashly G 5/21
Justin 5/23
Dan B 5/27
It is time to talk about MURPH! We have been training with vests and it has been fun!
Wearing a vest for MURPH is not the ONLY WAY TO PAY TRIBUTE.
We do have a few athletes (5-10) that are capable of performing this workout with a vest. MOST OF THESE “RX” ATHLETES WILL NOT USE A VEST THOUGHT. Mainly because it is really an awful task and secondly they will fail pushups like crazy. THIS IS A BENCHMARK AND THE STANDARDS SHOULD HOLD NO MATTER WHAT. ESPECIALLY ON A WORKOUT LIKE THIS ONE.
Please let a coach now if you are wanting to use a vest during MURPH.
- Proficient mile time under ten mins
- Capacity in pull ups & PUSH UPS
You need to have capacity to do 15+ Rounds RX of CINDY to consider a vest!
MURPH will be performed on MEMORIAL DAY per usual. We will have scaling options and team options for everyone. MURPH WILL BE UNPARTITIONED, meaning we will not move on to the next movement (pull up to push up to air squat) until all the required reps have been competed . Time CAP is 1 HOUR.
1 Mile run, 100 Pull ups, 200 Push ups, 300 Air squats, 1 Mile run
MURPH Shirts
These will arrive This Friday

Irma and Drew both went to the CF L-1 seminar we hosted and THEY BOTH PASSED the test and now hold a Level 1 certificate!
Congratulations to them!
FYI- we have 9 coaches (who all hold a certificate through CF) AND we also have at least 4 member who also hold a CrossFit CF L-1!
Short story, everyone should get the L-1.
We love CrossFit, right? The average time someone will do CrossFit for is currently 3-4 years (everyday CrossFit expands on this range).
SO! Hear me out, we workout 4-6 days a week for years, right?! Shouldn’t we know a little more about the sport outside of the wall of LCF and the GAMES?
We do CrossFit because we want to become the best version of ourselves as we can be. We change how we, sleep, eat, train, party, to become better. What we do not do, what CrossFit trying to change is the idea behind is that you can only get the L-1 if you plan to coach. I really think this should change too.
We should be learning about the sports methodology! Why programming might only be running for the day, or only a heavy day. Learn why we don’t program weightlifting and a metcon everyday.
Coaching is a part of the CrossFit methodology. So is working on all of the ten general physical skills.

What is fitness PART 1: 10 General Physical Skills.
What is fitness PART 2: The metabolic pathways.
What is fitness PART 3: The Hopper.
What is fitness PART 4: Sickness, Wellness, Fitness continuim.