
We had such a great turn out at the Frogman lift off. we had 6 lifters! Val , Coach Kayla,Minh, JURZ, Parker and Coach Andy all walked out onto the comp floor and brought their A game! Literally everyone except Coach Andy hit a PR and some hit multiple! Coach Andy almost hit a PR with a 235LB snatch attempt but he was shot out the back! Fun wad has by all.
We also had about 15 people from the gym come to support us along the way! Check out the photos! Burg CrossFit hosted a great event and it was cool to see the other gyms in the area lend out barbells and plates to make it all happen. Also, the lift off was a fund raising event in support of 5 star families who have lost loved ones who served as navy seals.
If you would like to donate and learn more about this cause check out this link : FROGMAN

Strength Cycle & PRs
We are on the back side of a strength cycle here at LCF. The goal was to target the shoulders and the quads. The goal was to get stronger overhead and in the front squat as we approach the CrossFit OPEN! Programming at LCF for these types of cycles look differently than the normal 5×5 whatever, week in and week out. We try to make it fun and constantly varied so it doesn’t get boring.
We will test a 1RM Front squat and then a 1RM shoulder to overhead in the coming weeks.
THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF ALL OF THIS IS: we have already had sooooo many PRs along the way in both squats and in SH0H movements. SO even if you don’t get a 1RM PR leading into the OPEN, it doesn’t mean you didn’t put in the work or get stringer to a degree. Some are born with a body that will naturally be more optimal on high end loads for one rep and others are built more for high loads for multiple reps. The longer you do CrossFit for, the more time it takes to continue to get PRs. Remember the goal is to do CrossFit forever so enjoy the journey!
Recently CrossFit has started producing and dropping some Docu-style shorts on youtube.
The first one definitely has a feel good vibe. I will be providing these weekly for you all and please send our blog to your LCF fam and your friends/fam/coworkers. Show anyone who’s ever been slightly interested in CF what it looks like after you walk in the doors!
CrossFit Episode 8: Following in his footsteps
Join us as we go to support some of out LCF members down on Clearwater beach for another BEACH BRAWL! Bring a jacket and come chill. LOL