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The 2025 CrossFit OPEN has started

25.1 was a great start to the OPEN. This workout had low, entry level skills that everyone could do! Burpees, dumbbell hang clean to overhead and walking lunges! Move your body and hang on! What a burner!

Everyone did such a great job and we packed the house for Friday Night Lights and Saturday Morning Madness!

Thank you to all our judges!

Here are some action shots!


Dave Castro , the Director of Sport for CrossFit has dropped some hints per usual! I must say, his hint for 25.1 was really a great hint. That one burned a bit!

This year he did something he hasn’t done before! He told us that we are to expect a redo! This means that a workout that has been tested before will be tested again! That is so exciting!!!!! EVEN BETTER, he told us it is from no later than 2020!

I have my guess!

What is yours!



We hope you are enjoying a nice, restful weekend! 

We have successfully completed Week 1 of The Open and it was a blast to watch everyone give it their all and support each other last week!

Please read the quick updates below regarding the schedule for next 2 weeks:


  • We will be canceling the Friday 5:15PM class (along with the 6:15PM class) for the next 2 Friday nights (3/7 and 3/14)


  • We will move the debrief up to start on Friday nights at 6PM sharp. 
  • Heat 1 will start at 6:15PM
  • **Heat times are released and available to reserve in Wodify each Monday at noon (reserve this Monday 3/3 for your workout time this Friday 3/7 or Saturday 3/8)**
  • Saturday debrief start will remain at 10:30AM

Our hope is to make better use of this time to get athletes through the workout and everyone back home at a decent hour on Friday nights.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know!

Thank you,

The LCF Team

Sharing is caring!