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Marco 10/5

Vivian 10/15

Omar 10/15

Alice 10/16

C. Andy 10/ 17

Kyle 10/ 17

Erin 10/20

Amy 10/24

Blaine 10/27

Kayla 10/28

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

1/10 women will have breast cancer. We have a majority population of women here at LCF and we have members who are breast cancer survivors. This month we support them and help build awareness in the community.

Barbells for Boobs is no longer an organization but we will continue to do the Benchmark WOD “GRACE” this week.

To learn more about this Breast cancer open this Link :National Breast Cancer Foundation

Upcoming Events

Committed Club

Starts MONDAY!

*Monthly winner! Quarterly winner (qualify for all 3)!!! Once Jan 1 rolls around- Annual winner( qualify for 10 of 12MO.)!!!!!!

Prizes get larger as the achievements become more impressive!

Reserve the class, then when YOU ARRIVE sign in.

16 or more attended classes automatically enters you to win!

Name will be picked by some sort of random name generating app (black magic) and we will announce the winners!

LCF social

OCT 7TH- Saturday @ HOB Dunedin 3PM-5PM….?!

Lets get together and hang out, in regular clothes! We have a ton of new members and we want to have all of you join us!

5K/ 1/2 Marathon

Coach Andy is putting his CF fitness to the test as he has signed up for the Rock and Roll 1/2 marathon on Sunday 10/8.

If you want to run that with him sign up asap with this link: 5k-1/2 M OR sign up for the 5K!

Costume WOD

Date TBD but remember, we vote for best costume and give away a prize!

Sharing is caring!