
Y’ALL once again LCF rolled thicccc to a comp! This week Val, Bre, Renee & Emily H., Meg & Coach Kayla, and Monica along with her teammate from CF ST. Pete, Juan, all hit the comp floor and put in work. The support and camaraderie are unmatched. We really are a community and it is so damn cool to see. What I know is that we had 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 13th place finishes!
Congrats to everyone who competed, it was a beautiful day to workout!
Super proud of everyone’s efforts!

The CrossFit OPEN
Hey FAM, I am sure by now that you all know I write all the content you see here on the newsletter.
The other day a coach I know from another gym posted a story on social media saying, “so torn and uncertain” along with that was a graphic showing the CrossFit OPEN registration. It got me thinking.
I wanted to share my feelings on CrossFit HQ, the tragedy of loosing Lazar Dukic, and how it is affecting CrossFit athletes and preliminary registration numbers for the 2025 OPEN season. If that coach is thinking twice maybe some of y’all are too.
If I don’t share my thoughts on these topics, I feel it wouldn’t be a good representation of leadership or ownership as an affiliate owner.
First, I talk about this all the time, we are a community of people who for the most part, are like minded. We all have our opinions about life and do a great job of leaving those touchy subjects outside of the gym. But, recently, the death of Lazar Dukic shook the CF community at large. If you are not aware about this tragic incident, last year during the CrossFit Games, the first event had a open water swim through a lake and an athlete died during the event.
As we all processed the loss of a community member, an investigation was opened into whether or not CrossFit HQ would be held responsible for the tragedy. The potential for negligence on the side of CrossFit HQ was a definite possibility.
CrossFit HQ was not willing to be transparent about the outcome of the investigation. They were not transparent with us. I do not believe they took responsibility on a public level. I was real upset with the lack of response.
As CrossFitters, most of us follow the games, the athletes, and the changes and growth of CrossFit. We talk about it to anyone who will listen, and even those who don’t really want to listen! It is a part of us, we dedicate a part of our lives to this amazing thing called CrossFit.
I am signing up for the OPEN and I am just as dedicated and excited as ever before to host it, participate in it, and watch my community of friends crush the OPEN with me.
Why am I doing this even though I am so upset?
I want to give CrossFit HQ and everyone in leadership, who is a part owner, investor, advisor etc. a chance to do better. If we all walked away, we would be giving them an out, giving them an opportunity to not be held responsible to make the correct changes to keep the sport, ethos, community, magic, moving forward. I am showing up to make sure CrossFit continues to grow and learn from this massive tragedy that changed the lives of so many who loved Lazar.
The Morning Chalk Up, the “CF post ” if you will, put out an article saying that from last year to this year, with the open registration being live just two days, showed a huge dip of something to the tune of 15K less registrants this year. Stating its a prediction of the lowest participation in years. The OPEN participation has always gone up and down, and it will continue to do so.
I will not, nor do Kel and I have plans to, walk away from CrossFit. It has changed our lives for the better.
The OPEN is about what happens inside our 4 walls at LCF, it’s all about the experiences we are going to have, the memories we will make as we crush the workouts that come out! What happens under the LCF roof is something you must not miss, we know you’ll regret it if you do.
Love you all.
-Andy Mc
Sing up for the OPEN here
Recently CrossFit has started producing and dropping some Docu-style shorts on youtube.
The first one definitely has a feel good vibe. I will be providing these weekly for you all and please send our blog to your LCF fam and your friends/fam/coworkers. Show anyone who’s ever been slightly interested in CF what it looks like after you walk in the doors!
CrossFit Episode 9: From addiction to recovery